My job is to lead the 8-member executive committee of the cooperative to which Paysan Breton belongs. Our role is to ensure that our cooperative's 3,020 employees are challenged, motivated, and use their skills to the best of their ability for our customers, our cooperative members who supply the milk, and to ensure the success of our company and the Paysan Breton brand.
3 questions to Fabien
What does Paysan Breton mean to you?
Paysan Breton is a rallying banner, a source of pride, and a genuine commitment to consumers on quality and professionalism.
What's your favourite Paysan Breton product?
I'm quite conventional and can't resist the texture, simplicity and flavour of Madame Loïk Plain Whipped Cheese with Guérande sea salt, which I absolutely love!
What's your favourite associated recipe?
I really like the recipe for carrot mousse verrines with fresh ginger and parmesan tuiles.
The other faces